The EPK-i HD Digital Video and Image Processor is a progressive scan, true-colour processor uniquely built on a computer-based platform. By being an image processor that uses digital computing power, the EPK-i becomes a powerful asset in not only orchestrating the highest resolution HD images and video in the endoscopic market but it also becomes the brains behind several powerful automating and streamlining productivity tools. The EPK-i is an intelligent technology which is flexible and adaptable to your technological environment - and can grow with you over time through updates and scalability.
Pentax EPK-i Endoscopy System1 includes:
- Pentax EPK-i Video Processor SN: EB010361
- Pentax EG-2990i SN: A111148
- Pentax ẸC-3490fi SN A110062
- EPKi Light Source
- Stainless steel trolley
- Monitor with Stand
- Brand: Pentax
- Model: EPK-i
- Category: Endoscopy Equipment
- Image Processing: PENTAX HD+ Image Processing Technology
- Image Enhancement: PENTAX i-scan Digital Colour Filters with Twin Mode Function
- Scope Compatibility: PENTAX Colour Video Endoscopes; 90i / K Series, 70K Series
- Video Output: DVI, DV, VGA, RGB (2), Y/C (2), Composite [NTSC]
- Brightness Control:
- Automatic: Selection - Average / Peak
- Manual: +/- 5 Step Adjustment
- Colour System: Red / Blue; +/- 5 Step Adjustment
- Freeze Function: Live video image provided while freeze mode is activated
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